Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The beginning

1001 days from today is February 27, 2013. By this date I hope to have done the following!

In no particular order:

1001 days from today, June 1, 2010, is February 27, 2013

1- run a 5k
2- 100 push up challenge
3- go to New Orleans
4- read 101 books (1/100)
5- read Anna Karenina
6- visit Ottawa
7- improve my credit
8- pay off 2 of 4 credit cards
9- keep car clean - take through car wash monthly
10- take a cooking class
11- take yoga or dance
12- give blood
13- have 2 months salary in savings
14- make Pâté de Canard en Croûte – duck stuffed with meat wrapped in pastry
15- master fake eyelashes
16- take more pictures
17- learn to type for real
18- send thank you notes
19– be better about remembering birthdays - send cards
20- wear more jewelry
21- make one good gluten free dessert
22- find my signature drink
23- get a bike
24- roller skate
25- go skiing
26– go to Europe
27– go sledding
28– floss
29– get a facial
30– stop biting my nails
31– do charity work
32– go to a comedy show
33- go to at least 17 movies in the theatre (1 every other month)
34- join a professional nursing association
35– go to a nursing conference
36– apply to an ivy for grad school
37– take the GREs
38- ask someone out
39- go to the dentist 2 times
40– eat two pieces of fruit a week for 3 months
41- make and follow a budget
42— challenge myself
43– go through my clothes and give to charity
44- go camping
45– blog
46- get a pair of louboutin shoes
47- marc Jacobs or other designer bag
48– be in bed by 10 pm for a week
49- watch the news everyday for 2 weeks
50– read the news paper daily for a week (including business and sports)
51- go one week without buying anything
52- pack a lunch daily for a month
53- support the arts, ie donate to a museum/theatre
54- salsa dance
55- watch the AFIs top 10 films
56- go for a hike
57– join a book club
58— invest in the stock market
59– cook dinner one time weekly for 3 months
60— learn to drive a stick
61- buy a nice bed
62- no processed foods x 1 month
63– tell someone I love them every day
64— take calcium
65– be able to meditate for 30 minutes
66– go to a Broadway show in NYC
67– try a new restaurant once a month
68– write a personal statement
69– vegetarian for 1 week
70– become a lactation consultant
71– read 10 of the classics
72– make gluten free bread from scratch
73– read the magazines I have a subscriptions for
74– go to the shooting range
75– have some romance
76– do monthly self breast exams
77– send a secret to Post Secret
78– see the Phillies play at another ballpark
79– do Wii Fit for 30 days
80– Audition for a play
81— try out for Jeopardy
99- try my best to meet my goals
100- don't beat myself up if I don't meet my goals
101- make a new list on 2/28/2013